Delicious Delights

Fresh Made Mithai


Delicious Delights makes mithai from only the finest ingredients. Each mithai has its own mix of fresh milk, rich butter, flour, nuts and even a hint of cardamom and saffron for that extra mouth watering flavor. Unlike others, Delicious Delights makes each batch of mithai fresh, after your order is placed. With the perfect balance of sweetness and flavor in each bite, our mithai never fails to satisfy.

Habshi Halwa / Multani Halwa/ Walnut Sweet

Our specialty mithai, something no one can resist. Made with real butter, freshly chopped walnuts, milk, and sugar. No added preservatives.

Pista Burfi

Made with butter, milk, sugar, and freshly chopped pistachios. No added preservatives.


Our mouth watering Kalakand is made with butter, milk, sugar, with a touch of saffron and cardamom. No added preservatives.

Badam Pak / Almond Sweet

Made with butter, semolina, freshly chopped almond, milk, sugar, with a hint of saffron and cardamom. No added preservatives.

Pista Pak

Made with butter, semolina, freshly chopped pistachios, milk, sugar, with a hint of saffron and cardamom. No added preservatives.

Coconut Burfi

For our coconut lovers we have a delightful treat made with butter, tons of coconut, milk, and sugar. No added preservatives.

Milk Burfi

Our famous Burfi, simple and delicious. Made with butter, milk, and sugar. No added preservatives.

Peda (Pera)

Our unique Pedas are made with butter, milk, and sugar. No added preservatives.


Perfect for special occasions or to satisfy a sweet tooth. Made with butter, flour, sugar, freshly chopped almonds, pistachios, and cashews. No added preservatives.